Standard spare parts

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:smile: :) ;) :D :-D :grin: :ok: :ok1: :lol: :lol1: :lol2: :oops: :( :?: :??: :???: :? :o :shock!: :shock: :<3: :<3 :pray: :-P :-* :10: :dance: :clap: 8-) 8¤ :cool: :cheers: :xxx: :?: :thx: :thxx: :yes: :pm: :P :w :x (-o : :!!: :!: :!!!!: :!!!: :cry: :bar: :/url ://url :wife: :geek: :ugeek: :/ftp :ftp: :/ftp/ :ftp/ :/ftps :-~ :-() [o] >>x<< >x< :evil: :twisted: :boss: :mafia: :hook: :roll: :law: :law2: :law1: :P: >o< :rus: :niva: +-+- :ho-ho:

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